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Google Display Network Indesign Template

Author: Jeff Delacruz
Date Created: 2019-12-10
Table of Contents
Primary Item (H2)

At POW! were here to help the small business owner any way we can.  Marketing is important and Google adwords is the phonebook of today. So having a strong presence is important.  Creating a beautifully designed Google Display Network Image campaign is cumbersome, but it makes a huge difference for your website and business.

When working on POW!'s GND campaign, I was looking for an Indesign template that had all the sizes pre-made and ready to drop stuff into it.  I couldn't find anything.  So, I made my own and now I give it you.

It's got all the sizes, in order as they are on the adwords uploader, so that when you export them, you can just go down the list and keep track:

300 x 50Mobile leaderboard
468 x 60Banner
728 x 90Leaderboard
250 x 250Square
200 x 200Small square
336 x 280Large rectangle
300 x 250Inline rectangle
120 x 600Skyscraper
160 x 600Wide skyscraper

A few tips to remember when designing:

- View it at 'actual size', so that you can see the stuff as it would on a real screen.

- Export as a jpeg high or above.  The limit is 50k each image.

- The template is saved in an indesign cs5.5 format on a mac, so if you have problems sorry.

If you end up using the template and like it, let me know or if you really like it you could add a back link in your website or blog.

If you need product photography for your campaign, don't forget about POW!

Written by Jeff Delacruz

Jeff is the President & Cofounder of POW Photography. For the last 10 years, he's been working directly with small businesses owners to help them improve their ecommerce listings with better photos.